The Koh Phangan Full Moon Party is a legendary rite of passage for young travelers adventuring through Southeast Asia. Despite the fact that it is increasingly becoming over commercialized like most popular parties and festivals (we’re looking at you Burning Man and Coachella!!), the escapade is still a fun filled experience not to be missed if you are lucky enough to be in the Thai islands.
To make sure that you experience the full moon fun to the fullest, we’re laying down some good info with the 2019 Full Moon Party calendar (2020 too) and some tips for truly doing the Full Moon Party, Thailand backpacker style.
Koh Phangan Full Moon Party Calendar (Thailand)
Koh Phangan Full Moon Party Calendar
- Monday, January 11, 2020
- Sunday, February 9, 2020
- Sunday, March 8, 2020
- Tuesday, April 7, 2020
- Thursday, May 7, 2020
- Friday, June 5, 2020
- Monday, July 6, 2020
- Monday, August 3, 2020
- Tuesday, September 1, 2020
- Thursday, October 1, 2020
- Thursday, October 29, 2020
- Saturday, November 28, 2020
- Friday, December 25, 2020
- Monday, December 28, 2020
- Thursday, December 31, 2020
Koh Phangan Full Moon Party Dates 2021
• Thursday, January 28, 2021
• Saturday, February 27, 2021
• Sunday, March 28, 2021
• Monday, April 26, 2021
• Thursday, May 27, 2021
• Thursday, June 24, 2021
• Monday, July 26, 2021
• Monday, August 23, 2021
• Tuesday, September 21, 2021
• Friday, October 22, 2021
• Friday, November 19, 2021
• Sunday, December 19, 2021
• Saturday, December 25, 2021 (Christmas Party)
• Friday, December 31, 2021 (New Year’s Party)

What the hell is the Full Moon Party anyways? Long ago (in the 1980’s), in a land far far away (called Thai-land) the wonderful people of the Paradise Bungalows tribe threw a party for a handful of backpackers passing through their island. The Paradise Bungalonians (we promise that’s a real word) took the backpackers Haad Rin beach on the island of Koh Pha Ngan and celebrated with them from sunset, through the full moon, into the sunrise. The backpackers enjoyed the celebration with the “Bungalonians” so much that they spread the word of their wonderful party under the full moon.
Fast forward to 2017 and the Full Moon Party is a monthly affair that attracts thousands (10,000-30,000) travelers each month. On Haad Rin beach with music playing through the night, dancers with fire, and buckets of mystery liquors, they party through the night. Looking for details beyond that? I guess you’ll have to explore the party yourself then…
How to Max out on fun and good times at the Full Moon Party
- Stay close to Haad Rin beach in a hostel that fits your style of travel (and recovery)
- Don’t go too hard too early – your goal is to make it to sunrise
- Beware of the “shroom shakes”
- Beware of drugs – undercover cops looking for tourists with drugs
- Eat a hefty meal before starting the party
- Try to meet other party goers in your hostel before heading out (this is almost guaranteed to happen)
- Screw all of these tips…just have fun!!
Koh Phangan hostels know the deal. Once (and sometimes twice) a month, hoards of backpackers stream onto the island to flood Haad Rin beach for a night of celebrating life as they dance and party from sunset to sunrise the following morning. If you do it right, you will go until you have nothing left. At that point, you will definitely need a great night’s sleep. For the best time possible make sure your Koh Phangan hostel passes this checklist:
• Close to Haad Rin beach : Being walking distance from Haad Rin beach means conveniently crashing right after the festivities
• Caters to your kind of crowd: budget conscious, quiet & relaxed, or party style, ensure that you’re with your kind of people. This will make the post-party “recovering festivities” a little more enjoyable…especially if you get a little out of character on Haad Rin
• Is you kind of comfy: Whether you like a place that has an in house bar and restaurant or has zen music and hammocks available…make sure this place fits the bill. You may not be going much of anywhere the day after the party, so pick your kind of hostel to make sure the memories in it are good ones.
Interested in more tips for picking a jackpot hostel? Checkout or post on How to Pick the Perfect Hostel.[/cs_text]
For cheap places to stay checkout Sharon Broadway’s article Cheap Places to Stay for the Full Moon Party
If you’re interested in going hard at Party Hostels in Koh Phangan, checkout Journalist on the Run’s great article on which places get so crazy they’ll leave you broken – in the best way possible, of course…
And if you’re interested in relaxing and recovering on Koh Phangan, sorry, there’s nothing for you…right now, anyways! But we’re working on something….
And of course, check ITH’s Quick Travel Guides on the Best Party Hostels in Phangan and the article’s evil twin, Most Relaxing Hostels in Phangan for Recovering.
The Full Moon Party is better experienced than researched. If you have any questions about an upcoming party, comment or email us at Carlos at
Interested anything else? Or just insanely bored and wanting to chat? Email us at [email protected]! We’re always happy to meet other travelers. Bon Voyage!

Carlos is a nomad, slow traveler, and writer dedicated to helping others live abroad and travel better by using his 7+ years of experience living abroad and background as a management consultant and financial advisor to help other nomad and expats plot better paths for an international lifestyle. Click here to learn more about Carlos's story.