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    89 More Crossfit Workouts to Do At Home With No or Minimal Equipment

    Here you’ll find a running list of Crossfit workouts that you can do from home. Though you can find my favorite Crossfit workouts to do from here, this list will grow as I stumble across and test new workouts.

    Get after it!

    10 Rounds for Time:

    • Sprint 100m
    • Walk 100m


    Just Squats – Complete the following as fast as possible:

    • 300 Air Squats for Time


    Full Body Sprint – 7 Rounds for Time:

    • 10 Push-ups
    • 10 Air Squats
    • Run 200m


    8 Rounds for Time:

    • 10 Push-ups
    • 10 Air Squats
    • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Air Squats


    Michael – 3 Rounds for Time:

    • Run 800m
    • 50 Back Extensions
    • 50 Sit-ups


    Burpee + Push-ups + Sit-ups Ladder

    10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep Rounds for Time:

    • Burpees
    • Push-ups
    • Sit-ups


    20 minutes, as many reps as possible (AMRAP):

    • 5 Handstand Push-ups
    • 10 Pistol Squats


    For Time:

    • Run 400m
    • 50 Air Squats
    • Run 400m
    • 50 Push-ups
    • Run 400m
    • 50 Sit-ups
    • Run 400m


    For Time:

    • Run 1 mile
    • 100 Sit-ups
    • 100 Supermans
    • Run 1-mile


    Leg Blaster

    10 Round AMRAP:

    • :30 seconds Max Squat Jumps
    • :30 seconds rest


    8 Minute WOD:

    • 2 Minutes Max Push-ups
    • 1 Minute Rest
    • 2 Minutes Max Sit-ups
    • 1 Minute Rest
    • 2 Minutes Max Air Squats


    10 rounds:

    • 1 Minute Handstand
    • 1 Minute Hold Bottom of Squat


    For Time:

    • 800m of Broad Jump Burpees


    For Time:

    21-15-9 of each exercise perform. Perform the set of 21 reps for each exercise, then 15, then 9

    • Sit-ups
    • Push-ups
    • Air Squats


    Fantastic 50 – For Time:

    • 50 Jump Tucks
    • 50 Push-ups
    • 50 Air Squats
    • 50 Handstands
    • 50 Walking Lunges
    • 50 Sit-ups
    • 50 Second L-Sit Hold
    • 50 Burpees


    5 Rounds for Time:

    • :30 Seconds Handstand
    • 20 Air Squats


    Perform one exercise at the top of every minute. Rest for the rest of the minute, then perform the next exercise.

    • Push-Up: 15
    • Burpee: 10
    • Plank: 30 seconds

    Repeat circuit for a total of 15 minutes.


    21-15-9 Reps For time:

    • Jump Squat: 21
    • Handstand Push-Up OR Push-Up: 21
    • Jump Squat: 15
    • Handstand Push-Up OR Push-Up: 15
    • Jump Squat: 9
    • Handstand Push-Up OR Push-Up: 9


    Chipper For time:

    • Walking Lunge: 50
    • Mountain Climber: 40
    • Box Jump OR Jump Squat: 30
    • Push-Up: 20
    • Burpee: 10



    • 1 mile run
    • 100 pullups
    • 200 pushups
    • 300 air squats
    • 1 mile run


     Mini-Murph – complete for time

    • 1-mile Run
    • 100 Push-ups
    • 200 Air Squats
    • 1-mile Run


    Micro Murph

    • 10 rounds for time:
    • 10 pushups
    • 10 sit-ups
    • 10 air squats


    Filthy 50 – For time

    • 50 Squats
    • 50 Push-Ups
    • 50 Sit-Ups
    • 50 Walking Lunge
    • 50 Burpee
    • 50 Superman
    • 50 Step-Up
    • 50 Pull-Up OR Resistance Banded Lat Pulldown
    • 50 Hollow Rock
    • 50 Jump Squat


    The Ladder

    • Burpee: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
    • Sit-Up: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10



    20-minutes, as many rounds as possible (AMRAP)

    • 5 pullups
    • 10 pushups
    • 15 air squats


    No Equipment Cindy

    • 5 pushups
    • 10 situps
    • 15 air squats



    For time:

    • 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 double-unders
    • 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 situps


    Death by Burpees

    Until failure

    • Minute 1: 1 burpee
    • Minute 2: 2 burpees
    • Minute 3: 3 burpees



    For time

    • 150 wall balls


    Crossfit Open Workout 12.1

    As many reps as possible:

    • 7 minutes of burpees


    JT – For time:

    • 21, 15, 9 handstand pushups
    • 21, 15, 9 triceps dips
    • 21, 15, 9 pushups


    Chad 1,000 – For time

    • 1,000 step-ups


    Bounce and Dip – 5 rounds, for time

    • 10 burpee tuck jumps
    • 400-meter run
    • 15 triceps dips


    Angie – For time:

    • 100 pullups
    • 100 pushups
    • 100 situps
    • 100 squats



    • Run 5k as fast as possible


    Dealer’s Choice – Chipper for Time (Complete Unbroken)

    • 4-minute wall sit
    • 300 air squats
    • 250 lunges
    • 200 sit-ups
    • 100 pistol squats


    10 minutes, AMRAP

    • 200-meter run
    • 10 pushups

    Then, rest 2 minutes, and continue

    8 minutes, AMRAP

    • 200-meter run
    • 15 squat thrusts

    Then, rest 2 minutes, and continue

    6 minutes, AMRAP

    • 200-meter run
    • 10 military presses


    5 rounds

    • Minute 1: 40 seconds lateral jumps over object, 20 seconds rest
    • Minute 2: 40 seconds reverse lunges, 20 seconds rest
    • Minute 3: 40 seconds kettlebell swings, 20 seconds rest


    6 rounds:

    • 10 Pushups
    • 15 V-Ups
    • 20 Jumping Air Squat


    16 minutes, do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of:

    • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Pullups
    • 20 Lunges
    • 20 Situps


    5 Rounds, Every Minute on the Minute

    • Minute 1: 15 Pushups
    • Minute 2: 10 Pullups
    • Minute 3: 15 Situps
    • Minute 4: 20 Lunges


    Burpee Pull-Up Ladder (Alternate Exercises)

    • Burpees: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
    • Pullups: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10


    10 rounds for time of:

    • 20 Mountain Climbers
    • 20 Sit-ups
    • 20 Air squats
    • 20 Lunges


    7 Rounds for Time:

    • 10 Lunges
    • 10 Mountain Climbers
    • 10 Pushups


    15 Minutes, As Many Rounds as Possible:

    • 8 Burpees
    • 8 Pushups
    • 16 Pullups
    • 16 Hanging Knee Tucks or Situps


    20 minutes, As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) of:

    • 21 Jumping Air Squats
    • 15 Pushups
    • 9 Burpee Pullups


    12 minutes and do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP:

    • 8 Air Squats
    • 8 Jumping Lunges
    • 16 Russian Twists


    Tabata Rope Pushup Burpees

    • Tabata Jump Rope (8 x 20 seconds working + 10 Seconds Rest)

    – Rest 1 min

    • Tabata Pushups (8 x 20 seconds working + 10 Seconds Rest)

    – Rest 1 min

    • Tabata Burpees (8 x 20 seconds working + 10 Seconds Rest)


    10 Minutes, as many reps as possible

    • 40 Jump Ropes
    • 15 Situps
    • 12 Dumbbell Goblet Reverse Lunges (use a weighted backpack or sandbag for weight)


    For time:

    • 100-m walking lunge
    • 100 pushups
    • 100 medicine-ball cleans
    • 100 pullups
    • 100-m walking lunge


    20 minutes As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP):

    • 25 burpees
    • 15 bodyweight back squats


    20 minutes As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP):

    • 10 chest-to-bar pullups
    • 15 pushups
    • 20 single-leg squats, alternating
    • Run 200 meters.


    6 rounds for time:

    • 24 air squats
    • 24 push-ups
    • 24 walking lunges
    • Run 400 meters



    Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 30 minutes

    • 5 pullups
    • 10 pushups
    • 15 squats



    5 Rounds for Time:

    • 20 pull-ups
    • 40 push-ups
    • 60 air squats



    10 rounds for time:

    • 30 double-unders
    • 15 pullups
    • 30 squats
    • 100-m sprint
    • Rest 2 minutes


    Another 21-15-9 

    • 21 burpees
    • 21 thrusters

    Rest 2 minutes

    • 15 burpees
    • 15 thrusters

    Rest 2 minutes

    • 9 burpees
    • 9 thrusters


    3 sets of:

    • 1/2-mile run
    • Rest 3 minutes
    • 1/4-mile run
    • Rest 2 minutes
    • 1/8-mile run
    • Rest 5 minutes

    – Repeat


    20 Minutes, As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP)

    • 20 walking lunges
    • 15 push-ups
    • 30-second plank


    5 Rounds for Time

    • 15 sit-ups
    • 30 double-unders (or regular jump ropes)
    • 15 air squats
    • 30 double-unders (or regular jump ropes)


    12 Minutes AMRAP

    • 20 wall-ball shots
    • 20 single-leg squats


    Thrust & Run

    For time:

    • 21 dumbbell thrusters or kettlebell thrusters
    • 400-meter run
    • 18 dumbbell thrusters or kettlebell thrusters
    • 400-meter run
    • 15 dumbbell thrusters or kettlebell thrusters
    • 400-meter run


    10 minutes AMRAP:

    • 10 squats
    • 9 dumbbell snatches, right arm
    • 10 push-ups
    • 9 dumbbell snatches, left arm


    For time:

    • 100 double-unders
    • 21 burpees
    • 75 double-unders
    • 15 burpees
    • 50 double-unders
    • 9 burpees


    For time:

    • 50 dumbbell deadlifts
    • 50 sit-ups
    • 50 box step-ups
    • 50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters



    AMRAP for 20 minutes:

    • 5 Handstand push-ups
    • 10 One-legged squats, alternating
    • 15 Pull-ups



    5 rounds for time

    • 20 pull-ups
    • 30 push-ups
    • 40 sit-ups
    • 50 squats

    – rest for 3 minutes between rounds


    3 rounds of 3 Minutes AMRAP each round of:

    • 15 sit-ups
    • 15 lunges

    – Rest 2 minutes + Repeat


    3 rounds for time:

    • Run 800 meters
    • 50 air squats


    For time:

    • 21 air squats
    • 21 pushups
    • 15 air squats
    • 15 pushups
    • 9 air squats
    • 9 pushups


    8 rounds for time:

    • 10 sit-ups
    • 10 burpees


    For time:

    • 100 jumping jacks
    • 75 air squats
    • 50 pushups
    • 25 burpees


    10 rounds for time:

    • 10 air squats
    • 10 pushups
    • 10 situps
    • 10 dips


    20 minutes As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP):

    • 20 walking lunges
    • 20 situps
    • 20 pushups
    • 20 squats


    4 rounds for time:

    • 400 meter run
    • 20 burpees


    For time:

    • 400 meter run
    • 21 squats
    • 21 burpees
    • 15 squats
    • 15 burpees
    • 9 squats
    • 9 burpees
    • 400 meter run


    Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes:

    • 5 push-ups
    • 10 sit-ups
    • 15 squats


    15 minutes, As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP):

    • 5 push-ups
    • 15 sit-ups
    • 30 squats


    For time:

    • 50 Sit ups
    • 25 tuck jumps
    • 40 push ups
    • 25 vertical jumps
    • 30 squats
    • 25 burpees


    3 rounds for time:

    • Run a half mile
    • 30 burpees


    4 rounds for time:

    • 20 burpees
    • 20 push ups
    • 20 sit ups
    • 20 squats


    10 rounds for time:

    • 12 burpees
    • 12 pull-ups


    20 minutes, as many reps as possible (AMRAP):

    • 5 pushups
    • 10 sit ups
    • 15 squats


    20 minutes AMRAP:

    • 5 handstand pushups
    • 10 one legged squats
    • 7 rounds for time:
    • 7 handstand pushups
    • 7 squats
    • 7 pull-ups
    • 7 burpees
    • 7 pushups
    • 7 sit ups


    Chelsea – Perform Every Minute on the Minute for 30 min:

    • 5 Pull-ups
    • 10 Push-ups
    • 15 Squats


    Mary – AMRAP for 20 minutes:

    • 5 Handstand push-ups
    • 10 1-legged (pistol) squats
    • 15 Pull-ups


    Chipper WOD, completing all reps for time:

    • 800m run
    • 50 burpees
    • 400m run
    • 50 pull ups
    • 200m run
    • 50 press ups

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      About A Brother Abroad


      Carlos is a nomad, slow traveler, and writer dedicated to helping others live abroad and travel better by using his 7+ years of experience living abroad and background as a management consultant and financial advisor to help other nomad and expats plot better paths for an international lifestyle. Click here to learn more about Carlos's story.