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    The Argentina Rentista Visa: 9 Essential Things You Need to Know to Apply

    Those travelers lucky enough to visit Argentina – from vibrant Buenos Aires, to the wine country of Mendoza, and the beautiful mountains of Patagonia – know that the country is one of the highlight experiences of South America. For a few, Argentina gets under your skin in a beautiful, endearing, and nearly addictive way.

    The next question always arises…how can you stay longer in South America?

    Trust me. I asked that exact same question.

    If you are lucky enough to have enough location independence and a minimum of $1500 per month passive income sourced either from real estate or dividends from a company you own, the Argentina Rentista Visa may be your ticket to a long stay, and potentially living in Argentina.

    (If those criteria don’t fit, check out these other long stay visa options in Argentina and South America)

    All of Argentina in a single picture

    9 Essential Things to Know about the Argentina Rentista Visa

    1. The minimum income to apply for the Argentina Rentista visa is $1500 in 2024
    2. Applicants can qualify with passive income from real estate rentals or dividends as a business owner
    3. Applicants can not apply with employment salary, remote work income, or assets such as cash or stocks
    4. The Inversionista (Investor) visa is an excellent alternative with a $10,000 minimum business investment or $70,000 real estate purchase
    5. The Pensionado (Retirement) visa is an excellent alternative for those receiving a pension
    6. All documents required for the application process should be gathered, notarized, and apostilled before entering Argentina
    7. All documents will need to be officially translated by the College of Translators in Argentina for application
    8. Proof of funds will need to be deposited in an Argentine account, but it is possible to deposit in USD account to avoid inflation issues
    9. Conversion to citizenship and permanent residency is easy and common


    Argentina Rentista Visa

    What is the Argentina Rentista Visa

    The Argentina Rentista visa, or “Rentier” visa, is a 1 year temporary residency, easily renewable for up to 3 years, and convertible to Argentine citizenship after 2 years of staying. Anyone, from any country that earns a minimum of $1500 per month via verifiable passive income sources and has a clean criminal background record is eligible for the Argentina Rentista visa.

    Established in 2010 under Act No. 25.871, Decree No. 616/2010 and modified in Decree No. 70/2017, the Argentina Rentista visa has an established track record in Argentina, which means you will relatively easily be able to navigate the application process and tax issues, with happy outcomes, based on the thousands of successful applicants, and knowledge available from their application processes and the lawyers that helped them.

    As simple and easy as this residency permit is to qualify for and attain, navigating the nuances of the Argentine immigration process and documents required can be confusing at best and extremely frustrating at worst. I know, because I am in that process right now, applying for the Rentista visa “on my own”…with the help of several expats that have already navigated the process and are living happily in Argentina now.

    In this guide, I’ll share everything you need to know to apply for the Argentine Rentista visa on your own, including details of documents required, the application process, tax liability you should be aware of, things to know and do before arriving to Argentina, and why you should likely consult an Argentina immigration lawyer quickly before arriving.

    Last, I’ll share a handful of other visas (Argentina Inversionista visa, Argentina Digital Nomad Visa, and Other Rentista Visas in Latin America) you should be aware of if the Argentina Rentista Visa isn’t for you.

    Benefits: Why the Argentina Rentista Visa?

    If you are looking for a visa that will allow you to live in your destination in Latin America long term, and specifically in Argentina, the Rentista visa is an excellent option compared to most temporary resident permits from other countries. The Rentista is a 1-year renewable temporary residence permit that is:

    • Convenient, Simple, and cheap to apply for
    • Easy, cheap renewal
    • Clear Path to permanent residency in 3 years for a permanent stay
    • Clear Path to citizenship and an Argentine passport in 2 years for a permanent stay
    • Authorized to owned a business or be self-employed in Argentina (though not authorized to be employed

    Why Argentina

    Beyond being a vibrant Latin American destination that seamlessly blends the culture of old world Europe with Latin America, Argentina overdelivers in:

    • High Quality of Life
    • Low Cost of Living
    • One of the safest countries in the Americas
    • A hedge against changes in the world

    Jump to 20 more reasons why Argentina could make a perfect second home…

    Eligibility Criteria for the Argentina Rentista Visa

    Part of what make

    • $1500+ per month in passive income from real estate or business ownership dividends
    • Clean criminal record
    • Passport holders from any country are available
    • Spouses, unmarried partners, and children may apply on a single application with proper documentation

    Application Requirements Overview

    • Proof of $1500 minimum income for the last 6 to 12 months (verified via bank Statements)
    • Proof of source of income via real estate ownership documents or LLC ownership documents
    • Proof of ownership of the asset (real estate property or business) that is the source of income
    • Proof of deposit of income (minimum ~$1500 USD) in an Argentine Bank
    • National Criminal background check (such as FBI Criminal Background Check) from country of origin, and any other country that you’ve resided in for 1 year or more in the last 3 years
    • For Spouses and Partners: Marriage certificate, Certificate of Civil Union, or Certificate of Domicile
    • Certificate of Domicile in Argentina
    • Local Criminal Background Check (handled internally by immigration)
    • Proof of Address in Argentina (Utility Bill, lease, letter of support from landlord, etc.)
    • Valid Passport: Presented with a notarized copy for submission with the application, entry stamp into Argentina, and no illegal visa overstays
    • All documents must be notarized, apostilled in country of origin, and officially translated by College of Translators in Buenos Aires

    Click here to jump to a detailed list of documents required for application, and their explanations

    Essential Information

    • Processing time: Generally 2 to 3 months, varies by application completeness and nationality
    • Minimum income: $1500 per month minimum (Learn more about the income requirement here)
    • Residence Requirement (for renewal): 6 months per year (unofficial) for successful renewal and citizenship applications
    • Eligible Income sources: Passive income from real estate investments or business dividends
    • Path to residency and citizenship: 2 years on the Rentista visa qualifies you to apply for citizenship. 3 years on the Rentista visa qualifies you to apply for Permanent Residency.
    • Tax liability: No tax is due on foreign sourced, passive income while on the Rentista visa, however, income sourced from Argentina is still taxed. Consult an Argentine Tax Consultant for up to date information.
    • Employment Eligibility: Rentista visas are not eligible to be employed by a company or person in Argentina, but are permitted to be self-employed or operate their own business within Argentin
    • Estimated Costs: ~$850 for fees + legal assistance costs + document preparation costs
      • Application Fee: $250
      • Immigration Fee: $600
      • Lawyer Consultation: ~$50
      • Lawyer Assistance through Process: $500 to $1000
      • Office document translation: $10 per page
      • Criminal Background Check $70 to $100 per check
      • Document Apostille: ~$20 to $100

    Application Process Overview

    The Rentista application process is fairly straightforward and is only complicated by 1) not having the proper documentation as per unofficial internal DNM protocols and 2) adapting to the changing currency and banking situation. For best results and smooth process, have documentation beyond the minimum ready (notarized, apostilled, translated) to prove income, prove ownership, and prove remittance of the money to Argentina in addition to proving well above the published minimum income.

    1. Familiarize yourself with the process and the documents required for the process. Understand the intention behind each document, and ensure your documents provided prove the facts immigration is looking for.
    2. Gather the original documents required and attain notarization and apostille in your home country
    3. (Optional) Consult Argentine immigration lawyer virtually before entering Argentina to review your case, documents collected, and apostille, and advise on additional documentation for completeness
    4. Enter Argentina on a Tourist Visa or Visa Exemption
    5. Have documents translated by the College of Translators in Buenos Aires
    6. Attain proof of address and certificate of domicile
    7. Login to DNM’s website RADEX, pay the fee, submit documents online, and submit application to DNM
    8. Pay application fees within RADEX and optionally apply via the express process for an extra $100
    9. Schedule in person interview with immigration (DNM) to attend and submit fingerprints. Take note of the additional documentation required. (~2 weeks after applying online)
    10. Attain proof of transfer of funds for one month to Argentina in an Argentine bank account and submit to DNM
    11. Receive Precarious Residency via email once original documentation is accepted. This printed certificate will suffice until your temporary ID arrives.
    12. Renew Precarious Residence Permit every 3 months (if necessary)
    13. Respond to requests for additional documents
    14. Receive Rentista visa

    Follow on Steps

    1. Continue monthly transfer of funds to Argentina, as support for visa renewal and citizenship application
    2. Renew your Rentista visa yearly
    3. (Optional) At year 2, apply for Argentine citizenship or
    4. At year 3, Rentista visa converts to Permanent Residency

    Common Questions

    What is the monthly income required for the Rentista Visa?

    The current income advised by Argentine immigration professionals is $1500 per month, and $2,000 just to be safe and ensure your application is not “flagged” for any reason.

    The regulations from 2016 previously stated $30,000 pesos minimum monthly, but that figure is no longer the correct number according to regulations, or applied by the immigration department.

    In June 2023, immigration regulations were updated mandating a minimum income of 5x the official monthly minimum wage as the official minimum for a Rentista visa application, in order to keep the published regulations closer to accurate and relevant through the economic crisis, inflation, and currency situation.

    Still, as of 2024 the effective standard enforced within the DNM is $1500 monthl minimum, as of March 2024

    Click here to read more on the minimum income issue in the Rentista visa application

    What income qualifies for the Rentista visa?
    Only passive income sourced from real estate or dividends from an owned business qualify for the Rentista visa income requirement.

    Bank savings, salary from employment, and owned stocks or assets that do not produce an income do not qualify for the rentista visa.

    Providing documentation proving asset ownership, flow of income, and proof that the income will continue to flow is an essential part of the rentista application process. If your income does not fall into one of these categories consider one of the other visa options or consult an immigration attorney before applying.

    Will the Rentista Visa lead to residency and/or citizenship?

    Yes, the Rentista visa can lead to citizenship or permanent residency.

    After 2 years on a Rentista visa, you are eligible to apply to the immigration courts for citizenship. Citizenship is not automatic, and the deciding judge will review how much time you’ve spent in Argentina, have you complied with the guidelines of the Rentista visa by remitting funds, and have you paid taxes if applicable, to ultimately show intention to live in and contribute to Argentina.

    If you choose not to opt for citizenship, after 3 years the Rentista visa automatically converts to permanent residency

    Click here to read more common questions about the Argentina Rentista visa

    More Reasons to Make Argentina Home

    Beyond being a vibrant Latin American destination that seamlessly blends the culture of old world Europe with Latin America, Argentina overdelivers in:

    • High Quality of Life
    • Low Cost of Living
    • One of the safest countries in the Americas
    • A hedge against changes in the world

    Additionally, these facts point to that Argentina could be a great place call home:

    • Plenty of other expats: 60,000 expats from the US alone live in Argentina, confirming it as a great destination, and guaranteeing a supportive English speaking expat network
    • Good real estate market and property rights: Foreign investors can buy and own real estate and the real estate market is relatively cheap and reasonable throughout Argentina making for great ownership and investment opportunities
    • No Tax Liability on Foreign Sourced Income: Worldwide income (passive income) is not taxed by Argentina. For US citizens, this effectively makes income tax free, thanks to the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
    • Rich Cultural Experience and Lifestyle of Old world Europe with warm, Latin American flare: From the crowds in parks on Sundays, to the strong wine and arts culture, you’ll notice (and enjoy) the heavy European influence on Argentinian culture
    • Diverse living and Landscape: From the urban “Paris of South America” in Buenos Aires to wilds of Bariloche and green mountain ranges in Patagonia, Argentina delivers
    • High quality healthcare and education are free to residents and citizens
    • Remote Yet accessible: Though Buenos Aires is prices to reach, its cheap and easy to reach major LatAm airport hubs, to get to Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa
      • Chile ($105) 🡪LA ($312)
      • Sao Paulo ($172) 🡪 Lisbon $495
      • Sau Paulo ($172) 🡪 Miami $249
    • Safety: Low crime rates throughout Argentina with Buenos Aires having the lowest crime rate of all big cities in South America (Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit)
    • Inclusive Visa: Allows spouses, children, and unmarried and same sex partners on the same visa
    • Eighth Largest Country on the Planet with a Diverse Landscape: Everything from warm beaches, to deserts, to wine country, to wetlands, to rain forests, makes for lots of adventure
    • The affluence in Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Mendoza, and Bariloche make for great opportunities to enjoy a high quality of life

    Monthly Cost of Living by City throughout Argentina

    Argentina has historically had a wonderfully low cost of living. This means that, paired with the high quality of life, safety, and enjoyable experience, a lot can be had anywhere in Argentina for the qualifying minimum of $1500 per month.

    Monthly Cost of Living for Cities throughout Argentina

    • Buenos Aires: $1,652.45
    • Mendoza: $1,029.50
    • Rosario: $998.40
    • Cordoba: $708.40
    • San Carlos de Bariloche:$1,263
    • La Plata: $1,642.00
    • Salta: $1,324.00
    • Resistencia: $1,284.00
    • San Luis: $1,267.00
    • Quilmes: $1,218.00
    • Posadas: $1,205.00
    • Tandil: $1,137.00
    • La Rioja: $1,079.00
    • Corrientes: $1,072.00
    • Formosa: $985.00
    • Santa Rosa: $955.00
    • San Rafael: $880.00
    • San Martin de los Andes: $873.00
    • Concordia: $771.00
    • Santiago del Estero $574.00
    • San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca: $460.00

    For more city cost of living information, read our full report

    Detailed Application Documents Overview

    Within the Rentista visa application process, for most foreigners applying, understanding and gathering all of the proper documentation, prepared the proper way the first time is the most difficult part of the process. Note that the required documents will differ slightly depending on whether your income is sourced from a business or real estate.

    Though many ex-pats have complete the process completely on their own, this is the one step that you may benefit heavily from having an experienced Argentine immigration lawyer review your documentation and advise you on how to prepare as well as additional items to include.

    I highly recommend first compiling your required documents and having them notarized and apostilled accordingly and then having a virtual meeting with an experienced immigration attorney to review your documentation and make corrections or collect additional documents while you are in your home country, before coming to Argentina.

    To help you thoroughly prepare your application documents, in this section, we’ll review the exact documents you will need to gather and how to prepare them before submission.

    Documents Common to All Applications

    Having proper documentation, sufficient to satisfy the requests of immigration, is half the battle. This documentation required will differ slightly depending on if you are rentier and real estate owner or business owner. Here we’ll review the general documentation required, documents required for real estate income, and documents required for dividend income from a business you own.

    Criminal Background Check (Apostiled) for Country of Origin and Countries of Residence for the last 3 years

    A national level criminal background check from your country of origin and any countries you have resided in longer than for more than 1 year within the last 3 years. For US citizens, this will need to be an FBI Criminal Background Check. For all other countries, it will need to be their national law enforcement equivalent.

    Note that the current regulations state that only background checks covering the last 3 years are required. Though this is correct by the regulation, immigration professionals in Buenos Aires recommend a home country criminal background check too, to ensure a thorough application and quick processing.

    Ensure to have your criminal background check notarized and apostilled in your home country.

    Certificate of domicile and proof of address in Argentina

    After arriving in Argentina, and before starting the application process, you will need to reserve long term accommodation and proof of the residence and address.

    A lease agreement, a confirmation letter from people officially residing in the country, a certificate of ownership of real estate, or a contract for the sale of real estate by installments will suffice.

    Official stamp in passport for entry into Argentina

    Simply ensure you have entered Argentina legally and you have evidence as such via an official Argentine immigration stamp in your passport.

    Notarized copy of passport with no overstays

    A notarized copy of your passport will be submitted with your application packages.

    A sidenote on overstays: Among the foreign community in Argentina, overstays are common, as is not abiding by the 90 days in 180 visa waiver rule, due to the relaxed enforcement by border officials. Though penalties are light for these infractions, they will have negative impacts on your Rentista Visa application. To avoid troubles, do not overstay, and do not exceed the 90 day stay in a 180 day period.

    Documents Required for the Rentista Visa with Real Estate Passive Rental Income

    For real estate owners, you will need to provide documentation that proves ownership, proves that your real estate is rented for an extended period, and proves that the income will continue

    • Deed of Ownership for Property
    • Rental Lease for Minimum 1 year and ideally 3+ years proving renters and guaranteeing consistent rental income in the
    • Bank statements showing proof of deposits for preceding 6 to 12 months

    All of these documents will need to be notarized and apostilled in your own country and officially translated in Argentina.

    Documents Required for LLC and Business Owners Applying with Dividend Income

    For business owners applying with their business dividend income as their qualifying passive income, you will need to show documentation proving ownership, the source of income, and the flow of income for the past 6 to 12 months.

    • LLC Operating Agreement or Founding Documents showing ownership (also referred to as a “Social Contract” or “Company Estate Documents” in Argentina)
    • Profit and Loss Statement by certified by an a Certified Professional Accountant (CPA) with a verification letter. If you do not have an accountant, CPA Verification Letter services are available on Fiverr.
    • Company Valuation verified by a Certified Professional Accountant providing an official verification letter
    • Bank Account Statements for the business covering the last 6 months (ideally year) proving sources of income, showing deposit details, proving dividends, etc. These documents can be attained from and notarized by your bank

    All of these documents will need to be notarized and apostilled in your own country and officially translated in Argentina.

    All Submitted documents must be notarized and apostilled, then officially translated in Buenos Aires

    All documents submitted as part of the process that come from a country other than Argentina will need to be notarized and apostilled accordingly in the origin country. Because of this plan, on attaining notary and apostille of all documents before coming to Argentina.

    Information on how to have documents apostilled.

    All submitted documents will need to be officially translated in Buenos Aires

    All documents required for the application process must first be notarized (if necessary) and apostilled first in their origin country. Then, after arrival to Argentina, all documents must have a Spanish translation certified in Argentina by the College of translators (Colegio de Traductores).

    To have the official translation done, contact the Argentine College of Translators: (Colegio de Traductores)

    Common Questions, Issues, and Concerns related to the Argentina Rentista Visa

    Income Details and Implications: $1500 USD Per Month is the effective minimum income, and must be deposited in Argentina

    As of 2024, $1500 is the minimum qualifying income for the Rentista visa. Proof of deposit of the $1,500 into an Argentine account, is required for the application process. Previously Western Union receipts were suitable, but no longer.

    Funds can deposited into USD accounts in Argentina, held in USD, and withdrawn in USD. This change allows you withdraw USD legally, and convert on the blue market** to avoid losing purchasing power

    As of March 2024, the official minimum income is 5x the official minimum wage, but the effective minimum income enforced by the DNM on applications is still $1500 according to immigration professionals in Buenos Aires

    In 2016, the minimum income was previously stated as $30,000 ARS pesos minimum monthly (and is still incorrectly listed on the official DNM site). However, rapid inflation between 2016 and 2023 led immigration (DNM) to internally and unofficially enforce a standard of $1500 to $2000 minimum income.

    In June 2023, the DNM officially changed the Rentista visa and Pensionado visa regulation minimum income to be 5x the official monthly minimum wage. Note that the official minimum wage in Argentina is updated monthly.

    As of February 2024, the official monthly minimum wage in Argentina is $180,000 Argentine Pesos. Thus the official minimum income for the Argentine Rentista Visa is $900,000 Argentine Pesos, or $1,056 USD at the official exchange rate as of March 18, 2024.

    Though 5x the official minimum wage is currently still the minimum income by regulation, the effective standard currently enforced for a Rentista visa minimum income within the DNM is $1500 monthly minimum, as of March 2024.

    After approval of the Rentista visa application, funds must be deposited into an Argentine bank account on a monthly basis, to follow regulations authorizing renewal of the rentista visa.

    What income doesn’t qualify for the Argentina Rentista Visa?

    The following income dos not qualify for the source of income for the Rentista visa

    • Employment salary
    • Remote Employment salary
    • Stocks
    • Balances in savings account

    Qualifying income is income that is verifiable, proven over the last 6 to 12 months, is a steady stream of passive income, and has a verifiable source, such as rental income or owner dividends from an LLC

    Can spouses, partners, and children apply and qualify on a single application?

    Spouses and children may apply for a rentista visa on the same application, with the same income.

    Unmarried partners may apply together as well by attaining a civil union or certificate of domestic partnership** in Argentina

    Contact a lawyer for these types of income because these types of income “technically” do not fit the Rentista visa requirements, which will complicate the process when applying on your own. However a “good” lawyer in Argentina may be able to help you through the application process with these forms of income.

    Is it possible to apply for the Rentista on your own? Or is a Lawyer required?

    You can apply for the Rentista visa on your own, without a lawyer handling the process, as this is the way many current Rentista visa holders have done, and the way DNM prefers so that the immigration officials can deal with you directly. Additionally, the immigration application process is straight forward, so you may be able to apply on your own.

    However, this is assuming that you know exactly what is required and what the immigration officials are expecting.

    Many applicants note the need for a lawyer to “push the process” as it doesn’t move otherwise. In actuality, part of the slow rolling comes in that immigration has their own unofficial standards that they enforce on applications, to respond to the changing social, economic, and immigration climate. Though your application may be complete according to the regulations it may be incomplete by the current standards of immigration officials. In this unfortunate scenario, you may not get a hard “no” in the process, but you may not get a quick “yes” either, while they decide how to treat your application. The benefit of hiring a lawyer is communication. When your application slows, the lawyers proactively use their knowledge of the system (and connections) to understand what else is needed to move your application along.

    SO, if you are certain that you understand the process and documentation required and can push “proactiveness” on your own, DIY is possible. If you have difficulty dealing with ambiguity, your paperwork potentially has some issues, and your Spanish isn’t very good…consider getting a lawyer.

    Notes to remember for DIY applications

    • Need to prep well beforehand
    • Will need support in your home country to get documents because you will miss something
    • DNM expressed that they do prefer this

    Notes to remember with a laywer

    • Full service is $500 to $1000
    • Consultations are $40 to $100
    • Absolutely worth consulting before arriving to Argentina

    Click here for recommended lawyers

    What is the Timeline for the Application Process?

    • Timeline from online application completion to initial in person interview: ~2 weeks
    • Time on Residencia Precaria (for the process) until approval: 2 to 3 months, depending on nationality. US citizens have reported fast processing, within 3 months. Russian and Ukrainian citizens have recently reported being stuck in the process for 1 to 2 years.

    Note that while you can leave the country for brief periods during your application, any trip will halt your application in the process (as you are required to inform the DNM before departure) and trips longer than ~2 weeks will result in your application being cancelled. Additionally, if you do leave you may be questioned why it is so important to leave if you want to live in Argentina.

    Rentista Visa Renewal Information

    The Rentista Visa can be renewed easily once a year for up to three years.

    Important Considerations for Renewal

    • Physical Presence Requirement: Important for Renewal: 6 months per year is the unofficial minimum
    • Monthly Deposits Requirement: Important for Renewal: $1500 per month

    The most important points to renewal are proof of deposits of the minimum amount over the past 12 months

    At renewal, The DNM will follow up to ensure deposits have been made monthly and you will have to submit the documentation for approval.

    Additionally, DNM has been unofficially enforcing a minimum stay of 6 months per year.

    Applying for Citizenship: Tax status and Time Spent in Argentina are important

    For those that see the Rentista visa as an avenue to citizenship, be aware that during the review by the judge in court for citizenship, the judge will look for signs of true ties to Argentina, primarily in the form of time spent, money remitted and taxes paid, as considerations of whether or not to grand Argentine citizenship.

    Plan accordingly.

    Do Rentista Visa Holder have to pay taxes on global income?

    The assumption by the Argentine government is that, as a Rentista visa holder with income sourced from outside Argentina, you have enough income not sourced from Argentina to support your life.

    As such, Rentista visa holders are not taxed on the passive income they remit to Argentina.

    However, if Rentista visa holders engage in any business in Argentina, self employed or as a business owner, they are required to pay taxes on that Argentina sourced portion of their income.

    This is the most up to date information from Argentine legal professionals, however, consult an Argentine tax professional to properly plan for your tax situation in Argentina.

    Employment Restrictions: Rentista Visa Holders are allowed to own and work in Businesses, but cannot be employed

    Employment for another individual or company is not allowed under the Rentista visa.

    However, self-employment is allowed under the Rentista Visa. Full employment is authorized as a citizen and under permanent residency.

    Understanding the “Residencia Precaria” or “Precaria”

    The “Residencia Precaria” commonly referred to as “Precaria” Precarious residence is the permission granted by the Argentine State to live temporarily in the country. It enables you to reside, study and work legally until you obtain your permanent residence.

    The precariat residencia will be awarded to you, and emailed to you, once the immigration officials acknowledge that you have sent the original documents for your application review.

    Note that while you are in the application period, your Precaria can be renewed indefinitely until either your application is approved or rejected, but you must apply for the precariat renewal. The Precaria is valid for 3 months, and you should begin renewal at the 2 month mark.


    • The precariat is given after the initial interview after acceptance of your application.

    Other Visa Options to Consider: The Inversionista Visa (Investor Visa), the Pensionado Visa (Retirement Visa), other Latin American Rentista Visas, and the Portugal D7 and Spanish “Independent Means” Visas

    Though the Rentista visa is a great option with great opportunities, if you do not qualify, there are several comparable visas in Argentina and in similar destinations to consider.

    Argentina Pensionado Visa (Argentine Retirement Visa)

    Anyone receiving a regular, permanent income from a government, international organization, or private company sourced from abroad is eligible for the Pensionado visa.

    Pensionado visa holders are similarly eligible for permanent residency and citizenship at the 3 year and 2 year marks

    Argentine Inversionista Visa (Argentina Investor Visa)

    The Argentina investor visa can be qualified via either of the following:

    • $10,000 USD investment in a new or existing business
    • $70,000 USD investment in real estate

    Inversionista visa holders are similarly eligible for permanent residency and citizenship at the 3 year and 2 year marks

    Other Country Rentista Visas

    The Rentista visa is actually quite common throughout Latin America, with similarly lenient requirements leading to permanent residency and better tax liability conditions than in Argentina.

    The following Latin American countries also offer Rentista Visas:

    • Colombia
    • Chile
    • Ecuador
    • Costa Rica
    • Colombia
    • Panama
    • Mexico

    European Independent Means Visas

    If you would prefer a similar situation in Europe, be sure to look up the Portugal D7 Visa and the Spanish Independent means visa.

    Other Common Questions about the Argentina Rentista Visa

    How can you get residency in Argentina

    • Legally stay in Argentina for 3 years to receive permanent residency

    Does Argentina have a digital nomad visa?

    • Argentina has a digital nomad visa that costs $200 and is valid for 6 months, and renewable for an additional 6 months. Learn more about the Argentina Digital Nomad Visa here.

    Can a US citizen live in Argentina?

    • With the proper visa and a source of income, a US citizen can live in Argentina

    How long does it take to get a Rentista Visa?

    • 2 to 3 months on average, as long as the documentation for your package is proper and complete.

    How difficult is the Rentista visa to get?

    • As long as you can demonstrate sufficient passive income, background check, and other relevant documents (for process and formality) the Rentista visa is relatively easy to get

    What type of income qualifies for the Rentista visa

    • Passive income from real estate investments or dividends from company ownership are the only sources of income that qualify. Payment for employment or pensions and savings in bank accounts do not qualify for the Rentista visa. Learn more here

    Sources and Resources:

    Recommended Lawyers to Contact**

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      About A Brother Abroad


      Carlos is a nomad, slow traveler, and writer dedicated to helping others live abroad and travel better by using his 7+ years of experience living abroad and background as a management consultant and financial advisor to help other nomad and expats plot better paths for an international lifestyle. Click here to learn more about Carlos's story.